Monday, June 29


today you will rest
in a fishbowl like mecca
i flush you to sea.

Saturday, June 27

wheezy nightmare

today she played
your grandmothers old squeeze box
unleashing demons

Thursday, June 25

special guest INTERVIEW lana nichols!

what do you think about dream baby?
dream. baby, i dont know anything about dream baby. (he) comes out of the earth and invites you to just look at earth and maybe just go to bed for once and have a dream, because thats the better experience.

what would you do differantly aobut dream baby?
i would include the dreamer.

who is the dreamer?
its your old self, maybe. or maybe its you when you go to sleep, or probably your first crush.

where did you find this picture?
an old book from the 80's on the southwest, which is my dream reality OF COURSE. to live in the desert and be a child, OF COURSE.

why did you leave this on my mantle?
because i know you are a dreamer and i want you to know it and keep doing it.
people think dreams are not reality but i think they are probably the ultimate reality.
life sucks (sometimes), go to bed.

eternity/damnation/a proclamation

tireless haze day
little yellow flowers fall
as the plum trees dance

Monday, June 22


my boyfriends mustache
a sanctuary for bugs
i saw one today

(in reality, i did see a little bug on miles stache today, but in his defense, it was at a dirty little bar in a dirty part of town, and it wasnt a crazy bug, it was like an ant)

Sunday, June 21

solstice rager

i love my roommates.
we partied real hard last night/all morning/right now maybe?
more photos on flickr.

Saturday, June 20

the man of my heart

Today Miles made me into an eternal barnacle. I love him.

Thursday, June 18

too much light!

I found a double exposure of Maura that was taken with too much light. Its really rad how much you can manipulate polaroid cameras. This photo was taken with an sx-70 and a rigged shutter and a few lamps. The other double exposures I took that day all came out clear with good color, but this must have been a test shot and I had to much light, too close to the camera's shutter. Anyways, I thought it was a pretty rad photo, I like all the light and the weird ghost like shadows that compose Maura.

Wednesday, June 17


receding gold line
seasoning sky blue cashew
the labor of dawn

august of 99


Tuesday, June 16

the season

northern devotion
my home the birth palace roam
dead chicken dirt road


a series of fortunate events.
more on flickr.

(click to see BIG)

Monday, June 15

inside out

today I possess
the wings of a bird in flight
a motion to cease

(bad day, bad week, how am i not myself? gonna make it through, gonna get shit done, gonna stop feeling defeated)

Friday, June 12


magic star baby
jesus fish nap on muslin
the universe horse


i make post cards that will never be mailed.

camper/frisbee/speaking english

this dog is gonna make millions. can we go back to the river now?

Wednesday, June 10

river babes

Into the great forest; into the river. Into the group van-naps, slumbering beaches, swimming babes, and sun sun sun.

(mostly expired film, though I did have some new shit left in a camera or two. all 600, with janky old 600 cameras..see the rest on my flickr)

Top Four...

My four favourite obsessions right now:
Sifling through straight up garbage (and depression era photos)
Men who dress like your pops might have (your grandpops, that is) but have beautiful arm tattoos.
Rose colored clothing, matching your hat to your socks, layers, and that saucy combination of needlepoint and leather.
Foxes. Jodie Foster perfection, toe headed-straight hair coveting, glamourous hi-jinks, high waisted ass pants, billowy shirts, etc etc etc.

Sunday, June 7

I have a real backyard again! It has butterflies and birds and succulents! A pear tree, a lemon tree and so much tropical LUSH. Also, I have a beautiful dining room chandelier and a roomie who made toast in my janky toaster that smoked out the kitchen.

Im still settling into this new home of mine. Im not too excited on my bedroom, but i hope to bust out some cool shit soon. Ive been crocheting alot lately, im trying to make myself a thick blanket for this winter.

Come hang out in my backyard!

Saturday, June 6

home sweet home

I have the internet once again!!
This has been my life the last few days.
More to come soon, I have to go to work!