Last night my pal returned from Prague. He was welcomed home with open arms, whiskey and beers and the first rain of the season. Fall is here and I'm happy my friend is home. I took some photos of us in a kitchen. The kitchen had a floral couch and a grey kitten. My spirit was a little damaged and I was quite soggy from my hour spent hailing a cab, but there are pictures, and I will post them. Im not too into many of the photos, but I do enjoy the portrait like snapshot of Jesse. He looks handsome and his skin looks like a movie star.
oh drewsss back!
i love looking at your photos, even though most times they make me sad cause i never get to hang out with you they are just so wonderful.
who is being an asshole?
don't know if you got my message but I LOVE MY REPORT CARD!!! carl and i were just giggling about it last night and i of course couldn't stop smiling.
thanks for being my friend even though i am a poopy friend cause im never around
I loves you!
P.S.! I love the new layout of your blog, very sexy vintage. love it, love you
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