Wednesday, January 28


Yesterday at lunch time I made some red chard and leeks. I added walnuts, salt, and cumin. it was amazing. Miles and I ate it with scoops of brown rice. yum. I never have ANY light in my kitchen, and it breaks my heart. I have a beautiful little studio and no natural light. This is the best photo I could get of my chard, after holding it, in pan, around my window for 10 minutes trying to find the most light.
Miles and I are going to do some modifications to my Polaroid 360 Land Camera in a couple minutes...I will keep you updated on that because its exciting!

Lastly, I've been obsessing over TV on the Radio's first E.P. lately. I was into it a few years back, but I dont think i've listened to it for a few years now. Its amazing, you should re-introduce it to your musical library. Young Liars is an amazing song.
And thats about it for now!

1 comment:

Maura said...

"young liars" is good song. i love love "blind" so good

I think cumin is one of my top favorite spices