the three of us went on an epic journey, and too be honest, it had been too long since we had spent any quality time together. we took the one and enjoyed the warm day. we stopped at a beach and found a giant dead blue bird. he had a long yellow beak and huge flat feet. we climbed a steep cliff, found a newly deceased sea lion basking on the beach with a missing eye. i would like to believe she died at sea, of old age and came to the shore to spend her last moments asleep in the sun. we explored caves and played with flashlights. we crawled through the thick cave clay and saw spiders and breathed the musky cave air. we ate food from india and brazil. we made vegan pizzas and went to the farmers market. it was the best vacation. (and now i want to explore every cave in the world!)

photo 1 is the cliff we hiked down, photo two shows the remnants of the dock that stood in order load concrete. photo 3 is the giant sea lion. photo 4 is me, really haggard and sweating after tromping around cliffs and sand.

corey took us to those photos when i was down there last. that beach where the sea lion was we saw a dying bird, it had gotten thrashed by the waves, it was so sad. and then we found a sick kitty that i wanted to adopt. santa cruz is fun, and beautiful. you look amazing!!!
ha those photos! im crazy i meant to say to these places...
These are all quite beautiful. In that picture of you in the woods you look like a stunning and wild forest nymph. I imagine you with epic wings and magic powers.
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