HERE IT IS. This project probably took WAYY to long to complete, but we finally did it! I drew the faces on photoshop, and Miles colored them in on photoshop. We had the images printed onto thick cardstock, and then fit them into the Guess Who slots. Its so good, and so much fun to play. We get to ask questions like "do you have a crush on this person?", "is your person a musician, an alcoholic, do we party with them much?" "Does your person live in Sonoma County..." and etc.
I am posting two photos of the assembled board, but I am also posting a photo of all the people I drew! As you can see, I got better towards the end, and for especially difficult people, (Cam's HAIR) I did a little tracing.
Anyways. I am proud of it. Its fun to play. Have a look.
this is amazing!
Dude, that is so baller.
this is amazing. what is your adress by the way. i need to send you your hat and miles his check
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