I just realized that last entry was number 150. a milestone! I am happy I havent given up on this blog, though sometimes I have no clue what its function is, or why I post. Originally it was started to have one venue to post the party photos I took of all you guys. But then I got kind of bored with taking party photos all the time, so its turned into a jumble of music, crafts, photos, and food. Recently, Miles and I started a little food blog, its nothing special, but I am a new vegan and its nice to have a little place to catalogue cooking disasters and cooking masterpieces. Anyways, back to THIS blog. I am trying to figure out what to focus on...I think im going to take all the food out of this blog and transfer it over to Cooking With Robots. I think this blog will continue as an arts and crafts kind of blog, with postings of projects I am working on, inspirational things, art shows, photos/photo projects, as well as just nice things I encounter througout my days and the beautiful people I hang with. If that sounds good to you, then keep checkin in... It's fun to do this blog, it keeps me motivated, and its nice to share projects and shit with those of you I dont see on a daily basis!
So on that note, I leave you with a photo of the tea I am enjoying. It's my day off and its so nice to sit at home and drink tea out of a little pot.

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