I stumbled across this london based tattooo artist on flickr...
I have never seen tattoos that look like this. They are dreams and nightmares, they are cartoony and traditional and scary and amazing. I only wish I could fly to London for some tattoos! (images from Liam's flickr)

I also stumbled upon Herbert Pfostl's Paper Graveyard. I spent hours looking at his work last night and I think its incredible. Its haunting and intuitive almost, its also very chillike and deranged which I love. Its so rad to find things on the internet that are inspiring and new. (image below from PaperGraveyard.Blogspot.com)

Also, Miles, my handsome and talented boyfriend has been taking the most incredible photos. I got a sneak peak at some new work he took last night, and its amazing. His work is often post-apocalyptic and eerie to me but very real. He has a blog he updates pretty regularly...look for a new post soon!

It looks like i've been really inspired by doomy things and mystical childlike demented things lately. I think this is good as I've started drawing and painting my dreams and alot of them require a creepy and ethereal touch.
tonight I am taking photos at Triple Crown for Wigwam, so if you find yourselves in the area, come by! Also, hopefully I will have interesting photos or drawings to post soon.
I really want to get more shit done.
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