Thursday, April 9

sneak attacks/bikeriding with a camera

biking with a camera slung around your neck is incredible. not only did the steady tick-tocking of it around my neck send me into song writing frenzies, but i had the chance to snap photos of weird people and buildings that i normally wouldn't seek out. when you are stopped at a crosswalk, some strange and sad and funny things happen. i don't mean to say i have some epic sociological findings to share, but i am really happy at how rad my bike rides to work and to bars and to friends are. i see some beautiful things everyday, and some things that make me really ask, "what the fuck??". its good. get my heart beating and brain ticking.
here are some of the photos from the first roll i took with the old canon automatic camera miles found for me at community thrift. they are blue tinged and mostly out of focus, but I'm into them and i cant wait to shoot more, especially from my bikes-eye-view. if you wanna see more unimpressive but kind of interesting photos check out my flickr. i put them all there!

(oh and p.s. obviously not all of these were taken from my bike, but most of them were, and i suggest you sling a lightweight camera around your neck and document what you and your bike rides find.)

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