I've been experimenting more with Ice Creams lately, especially those of the dairy-free variety. My experience with soy milk based Ice Cream is not outstanding...it tends to get ice-y and lacks a softness and creaminess that it so essential in Ice Cream making. This Ice Cream is made entirely from full fat coconut milk.The recipe I used is an adaptation from the Veganomicon recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream. In Veganomicon you are instructed to use 1/2 cup Coconut Fat and 1 cup Soy Milk. This recipe is actually two cups of Coconut Milk Fat, 6 ounces of silken tofu, 1/2 tsp almond and vanilla extracts, 1/2 cup sugar. You blend all this together and throw it in your Ice Cream maker to do the rest. For the cherry addition, you take about a pound of pitted cherries, cook with a little hot water, cornstarch (or arrowroot), and a little sugar. I let it boil and thicken on the stove for about 15 minutes and then let it cool completely before adding it to my churning Ice Cream.
I cant begin to tell you how rewarding and amazing this Ice Cream is. Is there ANYTHING more amazing than a delicious vegan Ice Cream, especially on one of those abnormally hot San Francisco days??
Last week we made a blueberry almond coconut ice cream that was good, but not this good. If your going to make Ice Cream use only coconut milk fat! And put it in the fridge for a day before you plan on using it!
Come over for Ice Cream!!