I am surprised I'm posting right now. I was responsible tonight! I didn't drink too much, I rode my bike home safely, and its almost 1. Still early. I mean, early enough. I have to be to work at 9 tomorrow. Fuck. Anyways! I'm rambling! Tonight was an all girl-scarlet-halloween. It was amazing. The girls had the house totally decked out, everyone dressed up super cute, and it was pretty much all titties, most of the night! We listened to Mariah and plenty of TPain, not too mention some serious MGMT. Haw! Anyways, I had a fuckin awesome time, I only wish I wasnt cursed with a job that beckons me out of sweet sweet slumber so early! I took about 200 photos tonight, woo! I am posting quite a bit, but trust me, they are all key and essential to the night. I rode my bike home with the camera slung over my shoulder and tried to shoot my ride down Valencia...it was totally dangerous and I DO NOT recommend a buzzed, helmet less, bike riding and snapshot taking adventure. Okay, I need to crawl into bed. Thank you beauteous Scarlets for hosting such a fucking RAD party. Thank you everyone who let me photograph YOU! Thanks also, to the cops who showed up for not being TOTAL dicks, and guessing that I was dressed as "Wheres Waldo".

were you wanda?
oh jeez
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