i invented a cozy neck warming device that has many functions. i am dubbing it "the necker". it is a magical neck warming cozy that is ideal for riding bikes (as their are no annoying scarf flaps slapping you in the face), it is also a makeshift hat, ear muff, and if you have long thick hair, or dreads, you can store them in the necker. girls and boys with longer hair are encouraged to tuck hair into necker for safety and comfort purposes. the necker is a crocheted, woolen cozy that slips over your head and rests on your neck/ears/face. soon there will be neckers in many colors and even many with your initials crocheted onto them. here are some horribly lit photos of the necker, as i am in a rush to get to work!
so, what do you think? bad idea, good idea? would you wear one?
#3 is the best idea. ras-tiff-g for lyfe, mon.
totally rad idea
okay i really don't want to burst your bubble but i think this is what my friend colleen was telling me she made and she saw at anthro for like hella moneys. i haven't actually seen what she was talking about but it sounds like this :/
but they are so AWESOME! and you should sell them and make moneys!!! seriously. you could even make an etsy account and sell them there! i love how its a "necker"
seriously will you sell them? i will even buy one from you...
i love you! and i am super excited to see you on saturday!!!
hey! thanks miles and toph for the compliments...you wil get free neckers when i get more yarn!
and maura! im sure someone has invented this before, but im hoping i can sell them, or give them to people who can wear/use them in way more ways than anthro could think up! plus, mine will cos t like, 10 bucks! cheap! and they could have your initials! haha!
anyways, thanks for the kind words, i will hook you up with a necker, for sure! im even gonna sew little pockets for headphones to loop through...and hella kids i work with want one..so, lets hope i can get them popular with the SF bike kids, the SF bus kids, and the SF park lounger.s anyone exsposed to the elements!
I like this idea, I would wear the hell out of it!
note: kaila chanel niles already invented the necker, only not the name
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