My favourite time of year is suddenly here. It's the time of year where temperatures soar, tomatoes are ripe, pumpkins are being planted, flowers smell sweet and warm, and friends stay out in the park until midnight soaking up the warm air and cool breeze over cold beers and ice cream. It's finally summer in Northern California, and though it comes a little late, its well worth its wait. Indian Summer is the most beautiful time of the year on the West Coast. I'm happy to be outdoors, I'm happy to be barefoot, and I am happy for the changing of the seasons.
A couple weeks back I found a tutorial on youtube which demonstrated how to do a double exposure with a Polaroid sx-70. I watched the tutorial about 20 times and finally figured out how to keep the film from dispensing out of its film pack. Bravo, right? Well, it turns out there is still a major issue with light leaks and over exposure. I probably wasted about 15 photos trying to find the right balance...indoor vs. outdoor, dark room or light room? Flash or no flash? I still havent perfected it, at all, but i'm getting closer and soon I will figure it out. Here are two of my best attempts at double exposing the film. The one of Miles was taken with one flash per photo, in my kitchen. The photo of me was taken with no flash in my living room, utilizing the direct sunlight coming in through the windows.
Oh my goodness. I think these are all horrible photos! I was too drunk and there were so many people around, my skills just werent flowing. Oh well! Chris' art looked wonderful, I hung out with some of my best BEST friends, and I danced!
More things to come soon, Miles and I will be embarking on a portrait project, and I have some days off. I am expecting good things. Love.
I'm pretty excited for this show tonight. My good friend Chris Jehly is in the show, and i'm super stoked to see his new work tonight. I'm sure I will have many photos to post until then! I hope everyone enjoys their Friday!
I was sort of most definitely drunk when I took these next photos, hence I forgot they existed when posting the last bunch. I busted out the sx-70 for the overexposed shot (drunkenly not considering the fact the lighting in the sky wasn't prime). The other two were shot with the trusty 600. Long live your automatic flash properties!
We had a party! It was amazing. Drew is a Bar B Cutie. There were hoola hoopers and tight rope walkers and flag throwers! Not that we ordered any of that splendor, they just happened to be at the park and quite near our picnic. We caused a bit of mayhem by feeding a dog a hotdog, I traded a man two tecate's for his 3-d glasses and then he drank half a bottle of Jameson. Chris decapitated a baby doll and her head wound up in my bag. Drew stuffed his face in the cake and we all ate it anyways. It was a pretty epic party and something like 60 beers, bottle of Whiskey, and a bottle of Bailey's (creamy....) were consumed amongst 15 of us. I took many polaroids, some better than others. I used some expired film which really doesnt do wonders indoors, but oh well, it was a fabulous party.
Today my best friend Drew turns 22. Sometimes I think he should be turning older because he's done alot of cool shit in his adult years. He is a continuous inspiration in my life, and I love him like my brother. When we were in highschool, Drew made me a wreath for my birthday. I kept it on my bedroom door until it was moldy. We also used to drink 40's in gas station bathrooms, steal donations from behind goodwill, and dumpster bagles and throw them at jocks from Drew's van. Oh the times we've had... The best thing about Drew is that everyone who meets him loves him. It's kind of hard not too. He is the life of the party and generally makes everything okay.
Yesterday I called in sick. I needed it. Miles and I ate pie on the roof. Chris came over and we went on a long bike ride to the beach. I have sand in my back pockets and sea salt in my hair. IT was foggy at the beach so I only took these two photos, but I like them. Miles looks handsome, Chris looks intimidating. Hot.
Today I received a postcard from a badass named Dan "the crowbar" Cronin. He is moving to Portland soon in search of cheaper rent and new possibilities. Dan is one of my biggest inspirations in terms of photography- he takes amazing photos of places all around the world. I was able to take his portrait last summer and its one of my favorites. Check out Dan's photos here.
I found a photo album full of horse photos from the 70's. I think they are absolutely beautiful! I have been very inspired by the magic and warmth in these photos and plan on making many collages, post cards, birthday cards, and even masks out of them. I went through the album and picked out my favourites.
Last night Melissa and Jenny Long celebrated their 21st birthdays in a magical little house full of magical people. Heavenly streamers were everywhere, decadent birthday hats were worn and a machine that made margaritas was at hand. I got too drunk and took too many ridiculous photos but I think thats pretty much my style. It was a wonderful night, I rode home with no crashes or bumps, I transported cupcakes via bike basket a good 10 blocks, and I made new friends. Melissa and Jenny are fucking amazing people with the biggest and brightest hearts I've ever seen and their birthday party couldn't of been better!