Monday, April 27

harmonizing in the hilltops

I wish I had brought a tent, or a sleeping bag. I only had an old jacket and old boots but if I had more I dont think I would have left. It was so beautiful!! The grass is almost gold and the trees were old and the air smelt like flowers and hay and asthma a little bit. Drew taught me to harmonize and since no one was around we sung really loudly. I wish I could live ona s unny warm dry hill.

Sunday, April 26

not dead, just busy!!

Its been a really long time since I've posted and I wanted to give whoever reads this a little update on shit thats been going on in my neck of the woods. I am moving into a ten bedroom CASTLE on June 1st with ten amazing artists, musicians, seamstress', and the like.
the process of figuring out roommates, applications, etc has been time consuming but worth it...we will have an amazing little art/food/music collective going by this summer!
Ive also been feeling pretty inspired artistically, I am excited to start a few projects and expand upon some ideas and concepts ive been throwing around in my little brain. As soon as i have somehting exciting to share, I will!
Ive been really into more sculptural things, as well as shooting like crazy with my little point and shoot film camera that Miles gave me, I just need to remember to bring in my film more often.

I found this website called "The Company of People" and im really into it. Im into alot of the artists, and the idea of having a little collection of artists work all on one big website is really cool, and this site specifically has a really cool DIY aspect to it. Check it out if you get a chance.
Other than that Ive been working alot, going out alot, crashing my bike alot, and writing silly poems. I really want to write a childrens book. Its a new goal that hopefully somehow I will reach. Okay, well, check back soon, hopefully there will be something more interesting than this long long rant.

(image from The Company of People)

Monday, April 13

Elderly Couple, San Rafael.

I have no recollection of this time. It wasnt mine, it isn't mine. I can speculate the era it was stolen from, and I can piece together the lives of these two with my imagination and my thumb. The only solid story I can write includes Sonoma County and a photographer names Paul Strahm. I've always loved the name Paul which is odd as its my bastard Fathers name. I could google a Paul Strahm but what fun would that be? I found this photo a few years back, tucked into another forgotten drawer in a stack of beautiful forgotten photos. Someone had died and all his or hers possessions had been donated, atleast the mementos nobody wanted. But I wanted this photo and its hung thumbtacked to a collaged wall in whatever house I've lived in since. Its a haunting photo. The relationship of these two is difficult to read, are they husband and wife? Brother and Sister? Why does she look so much older than he? Is it in her shapeless dress and pulled back hair? His suit is nice and fits well, he has a hankerchief in his breast pocket. Her glasses are gold-rimmed, her ears sit low. He looks impossible upon first glance, but his eyes aren't that scary. Who knows who these people are. Who knows why they mean so much to me, and why I hang this photo near me wherever I am. Do you like this photo? What do you think of it?

Thursday, April 9

sneak attacks/bikeriding with a camera

biking with a camera slung around your neck is incredible. not only did the steady tick-tocking of it around my neck send me into song writing frenzies, but i had the chance to snap photos of weird people and buildings that i normally wouldn't seek out. when you are stopped at a crosswalk, some strange and sad and funny things happen. i don't mean to say i have some epic sociological findings to share, but i am really happy at how rad my bike rides to work and to bars and to friends are. i see some beautiful things everyday, and some things that make me really ask, "what the fuck??". its good. get my heart beating and brain ticking.
here are some of the photos from the first roll i took with the old canon automatic camera miles found for me at community thrift. they are blue tinged and mostly out of focus, but I'm into them and i cant wait to shoot more, especially from my bikes-eye-view. if you wanna see more unimpressive but kind of interesting photos check out my flickr. i put them all there!

(oh and p.s. obviously not all of these were taken from my bike, but most of them were, and i suggest you sling a lightweight camera around your neck and document what you and your bike rides find.)

its so perfect out

i love rain and clouds and the way the city smells clean after rain.

I found this flier at four barrel this morning while i was replenshing myself with delicious caffeine. both the pieces on the flier fucking RULE. I had never heard of either of these guys so i did some internet research...its pretty graffiti influenced-street art kinda art, and some of it is rad. The show will be up for a few weeks, i might try and go...If anyone is interested, there is more info here...

Also, surprise surprise, i went to POPS last night and got hammered with Maura. Are you tired of photobooth photos yet? how could you be?! they are fun and happy and silly and i guess sometimes boring if you arent in here are my favourite frames from last night:

Wednesday, April 8

free things and color coded books.

Today I cleaned out things and color-coded my bookcase.
The above boots, shoes and shirt are all for freeeee!
The boots are super rad granny boots sz 9-9.5
the flats are pretty much brand new, leather, size 10.
and the JP designed tank top is super hot, just doesnt fit me right. I tried to make it work, but its not lookin' good on me, so it will probably look good on you? its marked as being a size L, but i think its closer to being a medium.
anyways, get it while its hot.

a few more from Wigwam...

When computers crash I want to die.
There are many more photos from this event...these are my favourites THAT I CAN FIND. The computer is making me mega crazed and IM LOSING PATIENCEEEEEEEEE!
Anyways, check out my new flickr (pro, yo!) for the whole set. These ones are my babies from the bunch.

Tuesday, April 7


I am too hungover and too lazy to do a proper post on wigwam right now sooo.... you get to look at this fine photo of a sexy blow up doll. more photos will come soon...I had a fucking epic time. Nate and Parker were amazing...and I cant wait to post more photos!

Monday, April 6

a few of my favourite things

okay, time for another "cool shit on the internet" post- only until I get film devleoped to share...

I stumbled across this london based tattooo artist on flickr...
I have never seen tattoos that look like this. They are dreams and nightmares, they are cartoony and traditional and scary and amazing. I only wish I could fly to London for some tattoos! (images from Liam's flickr)

I also stumbled upon Herbert Pfostl's Paper Graveyard. I spent hours looking at his work last night and I think its incredible. Its haunting and intuitive almost, its also very chillike and deranged which I love. Its so rad to find things on the internet that are inspiring and new. (image below from

Also, Miles, my handsome and talented boyfriend has been taking the most incredible photos. I got a sneak peak at some new work he took last night, and its amazing. His work is often post-apocalyptic and eerie to me but very real. He has a blog he updates pretty regularly...look for a new post soon!(image from Miles' flickr....but also check out his blog!)

It looks like i've been really inspired by doomy things and mystical childlike demented things lately. I think this is good as I've started drawing and painting my dreams and alot of them require a creepy and ethereal touch.
tonight I am taking photos at Triple Crown for Wigwam, so if you find yourselves in the area, come by! Also, hopefully I will have interesting photos or drawings to post soon.
I really want to get more shit done.

Thursday, April 2

elephants on parade

my face is frozen from the wind and im falling over everywhere. i cant stand alone i cant lay in bed i cant do anything because my mind is spinning and overloading and im going to melt. i dont know if its twenty two, i dont know if its the city or just me. im spending days in selfishness and solitude but im not ever alone. its the rising of the tides, i need to rely on my dreams.